Play games to earn money in 2024

The world of “play to earn” games is booming, with new titles popping up all the time!

Genre: Do you prefer strategy, RPG, adventure, or something else? Platform: PC, mobile, console, or something else? Investment level: Are you willing to put some money upfront for in-game items, or are you looking for free-to-play options? Time commitment: How much time can you realistically dedicate to playing each day?

Once I have a better understanding of your preferences, I can suggest some specific new games that might be a good fit.

In the meantime, here are a few popular play-to-earn games that have launched recently:

  • Illuvium: An open-world RPG where you capture and battle creatures called Illuvials.
  • Blankos Block Party: A colorful online party game where you collect and customize Blankos vinyl figures.
  • Guild of Guardians: A mobile RPG where you build a team of heroes and battle through dungeons.
  • Ember Sword: A fantasy MMORPG with a focus on a player-driven economy and open-world exploration (still in alpha).
  • Star Atlas: A grand strategy space MMO with a complex economy and deep lore (still in early development).

Remember, the play-to-earn space is still evolving, and there are risks involved. Do your research before investing any money, and never spend more than you can afford to lose.